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New Division 2 Trial Lets You Play Up To 8 Hours For Free

Unsure if The Division 2 is right for you? You can now play up to level 8 for a maximum of 8 hours on PS4, Xbox One, and PC.


The Division 2 has been out for more than a year now, and we've seen it discounted on PS4, Xbox One, and PC many times. It was even on sale for only $3 earlier this year leading up to the release of the Warlords of New York expansion. But if you've held out and are still curious about Ubisoft's excellent third-person shooter, you can now play a nice little chunk of the base game for free on PS4, Xbox One, and PC.

Ubisoft is offering a free trial for The Division 2 on all platforms. Simply head over to the PlayStation Store, Xbox Store, Epic Games Store, or Uplay and download "Tom Clancy's The Division 2 Trial." After downloading, you'll be able to play up to level 8 for a maximum of eight hours free of charge. If you're playing on console, you'll need a PlayStation Plus or Xbox Live Gold subscription to play cooperatively with friends.

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Now Playing: Everything New in The Division 2: Warlords of New York Expansion

The trial should give you a good idea of what The Division 2 is all about. Progress made in the trial will transfer over should you choose to purchase the full game, and you can also earn in-game rewards if you own Rainbow Six Siege and play the trial or full game.

In Siege, you'll get the Ela The Division 2 Set in Siege, which includes a uniform, headgear, watch charm, and Scorpion EVO 3 A1 weapon skin for your operator. Meanwhile, you'll also earn The Impromptu weapon skin in The Division 2.

Set in Washington D.C. roughly seven months after the events of the first game, you play as a Division agent on a mission to restore order to a country in chaos. The game earned a 9/10 in GameSpot's The Division 2 review for its great world design, interesting enemies, deep endgame, and stellar multiplayer features. Warlords of New York, The Division 2's first major expansion, released in March, so it's a great time to jump in. The latest Division 2 update introduced a new reconfigure feature for Exotic gear.

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