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New Edition: Unreal Tournament

Infogrames bundles new maps and mods in the upcoming Game of the Year Edition.


In a move intended to give new life to one of the biggest games from the end of 1999, Infogrames has announced it will issue a new edition of Unreal Tournament. Called Unreal Tournament: Game of the Year Edition, this new boxed version of Unreal Tournament will include over 20 maps not included in the original game as well as three new game modes.

Though all of the new content has been available to the online community for some time, Infogrames wants to bring the maps and mods to a wider audience. The maps are collected from three map packs designed by the game's developers: the Epic Bonus Pack, the Innox Map Pack, and the Digital Extremes Map Pack. Also included are the Tactical Ops, Rocket Arena, and Chaos UT game modifications. Tactical Ops brings tactical team combat with real-world military small arms, while Chaos UT adds a variety of powerful weaponry to the common deathmatch mode. Rocket Arena keeps the game's standard weapons but brings a new one-on-one tourney mode where spectators watch while two fully armed players fight to the first kill.

Unreal Tournament: Game of the Year Edition is scheduled for release this fall.

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