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New Mace Griffin Bounty Hunter details

Crave and EA unveil new information on their upcoming sci-fi first-person shooter.


Crave Entertainment and Electronic Arts have released new details on Mace Griffin Bounty Hunter, their upcoming sci-fi first-person shooter for the PC and the Xbox. The game, which was previously known only as Bounty Hunter, will let players assume the role of Mace Griffin, the only surviving member of a squad of elite soldiers brought down by a traitor. In his quest to uncover the truth behind his team's ruin, Mace becomes a bounty hunter.

The game will combine elements of first-person shooters, vehicular combat games, and adventure games. It is built on Warthog's proprietary Tusk engine, which supports movement within and between different types of environments, making it possible to make a smooth transition between first-person combat and space flight. The game will feature a wide variety of weapons and vehicles, and it will take place in a diverse group of interior and exterior environments. The game will also include a number of advanced technical features, such as per-polygon collision systems, a realistic skinned animation system, and skinned deformable skeletal characters.

Mace Griffin Bounty Hunter is in development at Warthog Entertainment, and it is scheduled for release this fall on the PC and the Xbox.

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