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New media: Rune: Viking Warlord

See several new screenshots and a new video clip from Take-Two Interactive's upcoming PlayStation 2 game.


GameSpot has received new media from Rune: Viking Warlord for the Sony PlayStation 2. In this action-adventure game, players assume the role of Ragnar, a legendary Viking warlord who has been entrusted with the job of stopping the shadowy war masters of the netherworld from bringing about the end of the world. The PlayStation 2 version of Rune will feature several specific enhancements, including new levels in the mountains and the deepest depths of the netherworld for a total of 40 unique environments, and new monsters such as the flame-clawed Helhounds, the Frost Giants of the Nordic mountains, and skeletons.

Rune is primary a hack-'n-slash game, but it does incorporate elements of interactivity such as the ability to use torches to burn objects and enemies, gain weapons from vanquished foes, smash through walls and obstacles, and attack enemies with their own severed limbs. However, the primary focus of the gameplay is to go berserk on every enemy character on screen and as such Ragnar will have access to a variety of weapons including 15 different axes, hammers, and swords. Players can also draw upon the power of the mystical Runestones, which grants each weapon special destructive powers. Complementing this relatively large assortment of weapons will be an advanced animation system, with Ragnar himself displaying over 7,000 frames of animation.

Finally, the game will include a multiplayer mode, where players can choose from over 20 Viking warlords and battle in ancient arenas and stone coliseums. Rune: Viking Warlord will be released for the PlayStation 2 this July. The original PC version of the game is currently available.

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