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New Nintendo Switch Video Shows A Guy On The Toilet Playing Mario Kart 8

Playing Mario Kart on the toilet has never been easier.


With the Nintendo Switch coming out in less than two months, marketing efforts for the hybrid console are ramping up. A German commercial has been spotted by NeoGAF that shows off how the system can be played at home or on the go. Or when you need to go. It's a pretty slickly produced video--take a look:

The Nintendo Switch launches on March 3, priced at $300. You can expect more TV ads like this one, as Nintendo has said it wants to do a better job of communicating the novelty of the system after the Wii U struggled. Ads like this one are a good way to do that, as they're both humorous and informative.

In other Switch news, Rocket League developer Psyonix has distanced itself from comments regarding a Switch version of the game, while Borderlands developer Gearbox has told fans not to expect Borderlands 3 on the console soon (or possibly ever).

Additionally, the Nintendo Switch Pro controller recently went up for sale and sold out almost immediately.

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