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New "Racing FPS" Concept Revealed by Start-Up Studio

New dev group Pixyul reveals Bios, out now on Steam Early Access.


Pixyul, a Montreal-based studio comprised of former Ubisoft and Eidos developers, has launched a "first person shooter with a twist" on Early Access.

The game, titled Bios, tasks players with completing a series of challenges in the fastest way possible, using any means they can find.

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"We call it a racing first-person shooter," it's developer said. "Bios is a fast-paced, high-octane asynchronous competitive game. Your goal is simple, make it to the end alive and in the fastest way possible."

The Early Access for Bios will feature eight environments, with 24 map challenges. Pixyul has said it plans to introduce "more narrative elements and content ... with the development of the final game."

Pixyul is founded by Louis Pierre-Farand and Julien Cury, who previously worked at Ubisoft Montreal. Eidos Montreal programming director Philippe Leblanc also joined the studio in 2014.

Take a look at screenshots of the game below.

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