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New screens: Etherlords

Fishtank Interactive releases a new group of screenshots from its upcoming 3D turn-based strategy game.


Fishtank Interactive has released a group of new screenshots from its upcoming turn-based strategy game, Etherlords. The new screenshots show off a number of the 3D characters and environments that will be featured in the game. Etherlords will feature a unique combat system that will include elements drawn from collectible-card games. In addition, the game will feature more than 300 magic spells and more than 160 detailed monsters that can be summoned, a complex diplomacy system, and multiplayer support for up to eight players.

Etherlords is in development at Nival Interactive, the developer that created the Rage of Mages games and Evil Islands, and it is scheduled for release in November. For more information, take a look at our previous coverage of the game.

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