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New Tekken 8 Trailer Shows Marshall Law In Action

The legendary dragon is flexing some impressive Unreal Engine 5 muscles.


Another familiar face is joining the roster of Tekken 8, as Marshall Law is springing into action in this new trailer for the upcoming fighting game. A series regular since the very first Tekken game in 1995, Law has appeared in every mainline entry of the series and several of its spin-offs. In the trailer below, you can see his incredibly quick martial arts skills in action alongside a set of nunchaku that he now wields in combat. Is that illegal for the King of the Iron Fist tournament? Probably not, considering that this fighting event also includes high-tech military cyborgs, lethal pandas, and a family with demonic blood.

As seen in the gameplay above, Marshall Law is a tribute to legendary action star Bruce Lee. Several of his moves are inspired by the actor's silver screen skills, and in most Tekken games, Law usually wears an outfit based on one worn by Lee in his handful of movies. For Tekken 8, Bandai Namco is making that inspiration more obvious than ever with several references to Lee's most iconic film, Enter the Dragon, as Law's ultimate move is a dead ringer for the finisher that Lee used, right down to the facial expression.

Law joins his old sparring partner Paul Phoenix in Tekken 8, who also received his own showcase trailer recently and a terrible new hairstyle. Both characters have been used for comedic relief in recent Tekken games, and in Tekken 7, they made a tactical retreat from a furious Feng Wei after they temporarily beat him in a handicap match.

A release date for Tekken 8 has yet to be revealed, but the game will be available on PC, PS5, and Xbox Series X|S. New gameplay mechanics include a Heat Gauge which gives players more options to be aggressive in battle, and later this month, Tekken 7 players at Evo Japan 2023 will be able to try the game out as part of a closed alpha.

Darryn Bonthuys on Google+

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