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New Tekken Game Seemingly Teased At Evo 2022

Check out a teaser for what could be the next entry in the Tekken series.


The next Tekken game has been teased. During the Evo 2022 event in Las Vegas, publisher Bandai Namco dished out a cryptic teaser that showed series regular Kazuya Mishima--presented in his classic pixelated form--dropping a body off the edge of a cliff.

He then smiles at the camera as the graphics morph into something much more impressive as text appears on screen that says "Get Ready." The teaser has some fans believing the next Tekken will be a reboot, but nothing is confirmed as of yet. And to be clear, there is no confirmation that this was even a teaser for a new game at all.

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Now Playing: New Tekken Official Teaser Announcement

Tekken director Katsuhiro Harada appeared on stage, but he didn't utter a word, which led to some wonderful memes and reactions from fans.

This Tekken tease came as part of a wider announcement of a free update with balance adjustments coming to Tekken 7 as well as the news that the Global Finals of 2023 Tekken World Tour will take place February 4-5 in Amsterdam.

Curiously, Tekken 8 was included in the long list of titles from the Nvidia leak. The leak has already proven to be accurate time and again. In terms of unannounced games in the leak that proved to be real, these have included Kingdom Hearts 4, God of War for PC, and the GTA remasters through the GTA The The Trilogy - The Definitive Edition.

The leak also mentioned Street Fighter 6 and Crysis 4, both of which have subsequently been revealed officially. None of this straight-up confirms that Tekken 8 is the real deal, however. Fans will have to keep waiting to learn more.

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