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New Yooka-Laylee Trailer Reveals Release Window, Shows Nostalgic Platforming Gameplay

Watch the new trailer to see the buddy duo leap platforms like it's 1998 again.


Yooka-Laylee developer Playtonic has released a new trailer for its upcoming platform adventure game. In addition to showing off its platforming gameplay, the trailer reveals Yooka-Laylee will launch in "Q1 2017."

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In May, Playtonic said it was hoping to release Yooka-Laylee in the October 2016 release window, but noted it is "committed to releasing games only when they're polished, complete, and at the quality level you expect."

The dev continued: "As soon as we're confident we've ticked all of those boxes, we'll inform our backers directly of when to mark their calendars."

The trailer, which you can watch above, will be a delight for fans of games such as Banjo-Kazooie, which Playtonic is drawing heavy inspiration from. This, for those that aren't familiar with the studio, is no surprise as it is made up of numerous former Rare devs.

Yooka-Laylee was was crowdfunded on Kickstarter and raised over $3.2 million. The game is headed to PS4, Xbox One, Wii U, and PC.

Playtonic has offered details on the Yooka-Laylee Toybox, which those that pledged $32 or more on Kickstarter will get access to in July. It is a self-contained demo of sorts that it says won't spoil the full game. Instead, it's meant to give Kickstarter backers "a taste of the platforming to come in the final game." It features "plenty [of] moves to try, custom-built props to play with, secrets to discover and yes, shiny collectibles to hunt out."

For more on the game, read GameSpot's latest Yooka-Laylee interview and preview.

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