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NHL 10: 360 Demo Now Available

EA Sports has released the demo of its upcoming NHL 10 on Xbox Live. The demo features two modes: Battle for the Cup, featuring a third-period Stanley Cup showdown between the Detroit Red Wings and the Pittsburgh Penguins; and Be a Tough Guy mode (which is just a terrible name, by the way), which...


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EA Sports has released the demo of its upcoming NHL 10 on Xbox Live. The demo features two modes: Battle for the Cup, featuring a third-period Stanley Cup showdown between the Detroit Red Wings and the Pittsburgh Penguins; and Be a Tough Guy mode (which is just a terrible name, by the way), which is an enhanced version of Be a Pro mode, letting you fill the skates of your favorite team's enforcer and sounds like a good excuse to show off the game's first-person fighting system.

The demo is available only to gold XBL members today but will be available silver members, as well as on the PlayStation 3 on August 27.

Check out our previous coverage of NHL 10.

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