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Nintendo AU releases exclusive Pokemon for early adopters of new game

Find out how to access a brand-new Pokemon in either the Black or White version of the new game before April 28.

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The phrase "gotta catch 'em all" neatly sums up the addictive nature that the Pokemon franchise has built itself on over the past decade. With the release of Pokemon Black and White today, Nintendo Australia has announced that early adopters of the latest game will be rewarded with the opportunity to download a new Pokemon to catch via the Wi-Fi connection service, or at select stores around Australia.

Once you download the Liberty Pass for your game, you'll then have the opportunity to encounter and capture the first Pokemon that is both a Fire and Psychic type--Victini. This new Pokemon will only be available to download from March 10 to April 28, so if you haven't got access to a wireless hotspot, you can go into Toys "R" Us, The Gamesmen, and selected EB Games stores to grab the Liberty Pass.

For more info on Pokemon Black and White, check out the gamespace.

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