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Nintendo Is "Evaluating" Games-Streaming Technology

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"Streaming is certainly interesting technology," executive says.

With major players like Microsoft, Sony, and Google invested in game-streaming technologies, it could be the next big evolution for gaming. Nintendo Switch has been home to only a limited number of streaming games from third-parties in Japan, including Resident Evil and Assassin's Creed. Now, a Nintendo executive has commented on the possibility of the Mario company itself getting involved.

Nintendo of America executive Charlie Scibetta told TechCrunch at E3 2019 that streaming is "certainly interesting technology." He added that Nintendo is monitoring the technology, going on to say that for now at least Nintendo is focusing on physical game sales and sales through the Nintendo EShop.

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"Streaming is certainly interesting technology," he explained. "Nintendo is keeping a close eye on it and we're evaluating it. We don't have anything to announce right now in terms of adopting that technology. For us, it's still physical and it’s digital downloads through our eShop."

Another executive, Nintendo of America president Doug Bowser (yes, that is his real name), told The Hollywood Reporter that "it's always interesting to see what others are doing in the space" as it relates to streaming.

"We're always interested in how various new technologies can enable different ways to play games," he said.

While Nintendo might not have a streaming service of its own, the company does operate a subscription service in the form of the Nintendo Switch Online membership program.

And though Nintendo doesn't offer a game-streaming service on Switch, other companies do. Capcom offers Resident Evil 7 as a streaming game on Switch in Japan, while Ubisoft does the same with Assassin's Creed Odyssey in the country.

The public beta for Microsoft's xCloud game-streaming service launches in October, while Google Stadia is slated for release in November. in other news, Microsoft and Sony recently announced an agreement for new cloud-gaming technologies.

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Eddie Makuch

Eddie Makuch mainly writes news.

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