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Nintendo Is Giving You One Hour to Try Wii U Exclusive Splatoon

Final test period scheduled for days before the game's release.


Nintendo has announced a second Splatoon testing period will be taking place for just one hour on May 23 and 24.

The demo of its upcoming paint-shooting, territory-grabbing team shooter will be available on May 23 at 23:00 BST/May 24 00:00 CEST. The very short test window precedes the release of the game on May 29.

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Wii U owners that downloaded the demo during the last test period, or do so in the upcoming test period, will be entitled to a ten percent discount off the game when purchased from the eShop. The discount offer will last until June 4.

Splatoon puts a family-friendly twist on the classic team-based arena deathmatch formula. It casts players as anthropomorphic squids, arming them with paint guns, and tasking them with working together to cover the the map in their colour.

Nintendo has announced new Amiibo toys based on Splatoon. You can read more about them in GameSpot's coverage of the related Nintendo Direct broadcast.

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