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Nintendo Switch Sales For Last 3 Months Are Extraordinary, And It's Now Outsold The NES

Nintendo has posted new Switch sales figures for a quiet release period, and they're huge.


The Nintendo Switch continues to gain momentum, according to Nintendo's Q2 financial report for the fiscal year 2020/2021. The company's new investor relations information for the quarter has launched, and it has revealed some huge sales figures.

The Switch has now sold 68.30 million units, making it the second highest-selling Nintendo home console ever. This quarter, which stretches from July 1-September 30, saw 6.86 million Switch units sold around the world, judging by their previous report (thanks, Vooks).

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The Switch Lite makes up 10.36 million of those sales, meaning that the hybrid system remains the most popular.

The system has now overtaken the NES' lifetime sales of 61.91 million, a figure that it was just barely under last quarter. If this momentum holds--and that seems likely--it will overtake the 3DS (75.94 million units) within this financial year. The Wii remains Nintendo's top-selling system, with 101.63 million units sold, but with the Switch expected to have a long life cycle, it stands a good chance of surpassing the motion-controlled system.

Nintendo has adjusted their earnings forecast for this financial year, and is projecting a 50% increase in net profit compared to their previous forecast.

The Switch has also now sold 456.49 million units of software. The big performer of this quarter was Animal Crossing: New Horizons, which has now sold a phenomenal 26.04 million units. It remains the system's second-highest seller, after Mario Kart 8 Deluxe (28.99 million units).

Nintendo released two first-party titles this quarter, both of which have sold well--one incredibly so. Paper Mario: The Origami King has sold 2.82 million units, while Super Mario 3D All-Stars, released less than two weeks before the end of the quarter, sold a phenomenal 5.21 million units.

High sales of 3D All-Stars might have been driven by the fact that the game will only be available for a limited time.

With the holiday season on the horizon, expect Switch sales to remain high towards the end of the year.

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