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Nintendo Unveils Sin and Punishment

Nintendo delves into the first-person shooter genre with its latest N64 game.


Nintendo Company Limited has revealed further details on its new 3D first-person shooter for the N64 titled Sin and Punishment: Successor of the Earth. According to Nintendo Power Source, in this game, players take on the role of 14-year-old Saki Amamiya. Along with another anime-inspired character, Airan, Saki must save a futuristic Tokyo from evil mutants known as Lufian. Players can find their way through this fantasy world in either one or two-player action.

The game will be released in a 256MB cart with built-in save slots and Rumble Pak support. Nintendo is expected to showcase Sin and Punishment in playable form at the upcoming Space World event.

The accompanying screenshots are courtesy of Nintendo Power Source.

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