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Nothing to Lose but Your Glasses

Xenotech receives patent for its 3-D Display System and hopes to start production next year.


Xenotech announced today that Australia and the US have granted it a patent for its 3-D Display System, which allows video games to be played in 3-D without special glasses. The company is currently in negotiation with "one of the world's market leaders in arcade game machines" in Japan, and it hopes to license the manufacturing rights for Japan so production can start early in 1998.

In addition to arcade machines, Xenotech is developing the technology for other mediums, including movies and television. It is also working on flicker-free glasses to allow 3-D images on standard TV and PC screens and a 3-D adapter for 2-D and video cameras. Xenotech has already converted a number of movies to 3-D and is negotiating with large cable TV providers to form partnerships.

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