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Overwatch 2 Event Set For June 16, Will Detail How To Get Into Next PvP Beta

Overwatch 2's first beta is coming to an end, but Blizzard will share more details on the next one soon.


Blizzard will share more information on Overwatch 2, including details on its next PvP beta period, on June 16.

The game's first beta period lasted from April 26 to May 17. In a blog post, Overwatch 2 game director Aaron Keller thanked players for their participation and states that while it can be scary for the team to put out an unfinished version of the game for players to criticize, it's important to do so.

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"But the reason we do it is important--to make a better game, and it's our players and our community that make it possible," Keller writes. "Tests like this are a vital part of the process of improving Overwatch. We can't wait to take everything we've learned from the beta and apply it to the game, and we're so excited to get it back in front of you."

It's currently unknown when Overwatch 2's next beta will begin or whether it will be invite-only or open, but Blizzard will share details on how to gain access to the game's next beta during its June event.

Even during its first beta, Overwatch 2 saw dramatic changes, particularly when it came to the game's support role. Characters like Zenyatta, for example, received an all-new ability during the beta. The team is looking to further improve how it feels to play support heroes in a version of Overwatch that is more fast-paced in its new 5v5 format than the original game.

Blizzard also announced today as the start of Overwatch's Anniversary Remix Vol. 2 in-game event, which will run until June 7 and offers players the chance to snag new variants of select legendary skins as well as event rewards for completing and winning matches. All of the original Overwatch's cosmetics will carry over into Overwatch 2, making the Anniversary Remix event a great time to unlock skins from across the game's various seasonal events.

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