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Overwatch 2 May Crash When You Unlock Achievements

Players are reporting that unlocking achievements boots them from the game and puts them back into the server queue. Ouch.


Blizzard recently disclosed that Overwatch 2 has a lot of known issues. One of the problems that players are running into involves achievements. As spotted by True Achievements, players have reported that they get booted from the game and server when they unlock an achievement.

This would be frustrating enough on its own, but it's especially bad because Overwatch 2 already has lengthy queues. Unlocking an achievement--which is normally a fun and exciting thing--can be very much not that way with this issue. GameSpot experienced this bug firsthand as well. As usual, however, your mileage may vary.

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Overwatch 2's achievement list is pretty much the same as the original game, with some changes, and six brand-new achievements for the sequel.

Exactly what's causing the achievement-related crashes is unknown, but it fans have theorized it has something to do with the general instability of the game right now.

Blizzard recently owned up to Overwatch 2's rocky start, saying the game failed to meet the expectations of both the studio and fans alike. The studio is making some changes to the game going forward, including removing the controversial mobile phone requirement for many.

Blizzard said all of Overwatch 2's launch issues were exacerbated by the DDoS attacks against the game. "They did not directly cause any of these issues, they made the environment in which we work on these issues more challenging."

Despite the launch issues, Overwatch 2--which is a free-to-play title--has already attracted a huge audience of "millions," according to Blizzard.

The Overwatch 1 servers were shut down on October 2 to prepare for the sequel's launch.

In our Overwatch 2 review-in-progress, critic Jessica Howard mostly enjoyed her early hours with the game, though she questioned if it's a true successor to the iconic original. "Where it counts, Overwatch 2 feels like a fantastic update to a multiplayer game with mechanics that enable thrilling skirmishes between teams of heroes," she wrote. "However, as a separate entity and sequel, it stumbles."

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