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Overwatch Summer Games Offers New Legendary Skins, Weekly Challenges, And More

The summer games return.


The annual limited-time Summer Games event has returned to Overwatch. The event continues until early August, offering three weeks of challenges to complete, new cosmetics to unlock, and the return of a beloved arcade mode.

The Summer Games have been divided into three segments this year, with challenges to complete during each week. Every week offers the same three challenges: win three games, win six games, and win nine games. The rewards for each week are outlined below.

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Now Playing: Overwatch Summer Games & Role Queue Feature Announced - GS News Update

July 16 - July 22

  • Win 3 Games -- Shark Attack Spray
  • Win 6 Games -- Punchimari Icon
  • Win 9 Games -- Epic American Reaper Skin

July 23 - July 29

  • Win 3 Games -- Snorkeling Spray
  • Win 6 Games -- Tennismari Icon
  • Win 9 Games -- Epic Zhongguo Mei Skin

July 30 - August 5

  • Win 3 Games -- Sand Castle Spray
  • Win 6 Games -- Footballmari Icon
  • Win 9 Games -- Epic Bundesadler Reinhardt Skin

The three aforementioned skins can only be unlocked by completing those challenges, so you'll need to win at least nine games per week during the Summer Games to unlock every new cosmetic during the limited-time event. Four new Legendary skins--Kendoka Genji, Lúcioball Wrecking Ball, Surf 'N' Splash Torbjörn, and Wave Hanzo--are available to unlock via the traditional Summer Games Loot Boxes. All seven new skins are pictured below.

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You'll also be able to unlock any of the Epic and Legendary skins from past Summer Games if you're missing any. The same goes for old Summer Games emotes and Intros, and two new Emotes and one new Intro have been added to this year's event.

In Arcade, Lúcioball has returned for the Summer Games. Overwatch's Rocket League-like soccer mode can be played in three different arenas: Estádio das Rãs, Sydney Harbour Arena, and Busan Stadium.

Summer Games 2019 ends August 5, and once it's over you'll have to wait until next year to unlock its summer-themed cosmetics. So if anything tickles your fancy, it's better to jump back into Overwatch sooner rather than later. Remember, the new Epic skins can only be earned through the weekly challenges, so you need to keep playing throughout the Summer Games in order to unlock them all.

This year's Summer Games has started earlier than previous ones; almost by a whole two weeks. As a result, Overwatch game director Jeff Kaplan revealed, in a recent dev update, that the 31st Hero would be coming out later than initially anticipated. We still know little about the new Hero, other than that Kaplan has confirmed they will be male.

Overwatch is available on Xbox One, PS4, and PC.

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