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Persona 5 Strikers Falls To $33, Its Lowest Price Yet (Switch, PS4)

You can get Persona 5 Strikers for $33 on PS4 or Nintendo Switch, but the deal will be gone soon.


Persona 5 Strikers is down to its lowest price so far, but only for one day. The Persona 5 spin-off can be had for $33, down from its usual MSRP of $60. We've previously seen it go down to $40, so this constitutes a new low price for the game.

Amazon is price-matching the deal from GameStop, so you can find it at either retailer. This is GameStop's Daily Deal so it will expire shortly, and Amazon's price-matching will too. The deal applies to both the PS4 and Switch versions at GameStop, but only appears active for the Switch version at Amazon.

Strikers combines gameplay elements of both the Persona series and Koei Tecmo's Dynasty Warriors series. It takes place roughly six months after the events of Persona 5, so while it's not necessary to have played Persona 5 first, you'll catch more character references and story if you have.

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"For all its shortcomings, Persona 5 Strikers reminds me why I loved the Phantom Thieves to begin with and shows how they've matured since we last saw them," Michael Higham wrote in GameSpot's Persona 5 Strikers review. "Once you get your head around it, the action-RPG combat is a challenging thrill, and no one can pull off flourishes in the same fashion as these characters. I almost forgot I was playing a musou-style game developed by Koei Tecmo and Omega-Force, and I think that's a testament to how sharp Strikers is as a Persona game. If you have any love for Persona 5, what say you save the world one more time with some old friends?"

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