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Pikmin 3 Animated Shorts From Nintendo's Miyamoto Available Now

Download the 20-minute shorts today, created by the father of Mario and Zelda, Shigeru Miyamoto.

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The creator of Mario and The Legend of Zelda franchises, Shigeru Miyamoto, unveiled a Pikmin animation project this year at the Tokyo International Film Festival. And those 20-minute shorts are now available for us to watch in the West.

Announced during today's Nintendo Direct, the three shorts are available as a package for $5. You can pick up the 3D version to watch on 3DS or the HD version on Wii U. Unfortunately, you have to purchase the packs separately if you want to watch them across both platforms.

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Miyamoto also announced that a demo version of Pikmin 3 will be available through the Nintendo eShop. Any progress you make in the game through the demo will carry over to the full game if you decide to purchase the complete version afterward.

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