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Pikmin 3 US sales reach 115,000 units

Nintendo reveals first-month sales for new strategy game; 6.47 million 3DS units sold during 2013 so far.


Pikmin 3 has sold 115,000 combined physical and digital copies in the United States since launch on August 4, Nintendo announced today, citing data from research firm the NPD Group.

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Another August release--Mario & Luigi: Dream Team--sold nearly 190,000 combined physical and digital units, Nintendo added. That game was released on August 11.

Nintendo also called out New Super Luigi U, saying the game has now sold nearly 120,000 copies. It was originally released as downloadable content for New Super Mario Bros. U in June and became available at retail earlier this month.

The 3DS was the top-selling games system for August in the US, beating out the Xbox 360 and PlayStation 3. Nintendo said today that is has now sold more than 6.47 million systems so far in 2013, up more than 30 percent compared to this time last year. Thus far in 2013, nine 3DS games have sold at least 250,000 copies.

Nintendo also provided updated 2013 and lifetime sales figures for various 3DS and Wii U games. Check out the list below.

Luigi's Mansion: Dark Moon - 863,000 units (2013)
Animal Crossing: New Leaf- 739,000 units (2013)
New Super Mario Bros. 2 - 406,000 units (2013), 1.85 million units (lifetime)
Fire Emblem: Awakening - 390,000 units (2013)
Mario Kart 7 - 352,000 units (2013), 2.84 million units (lifetime)
Pokemon Mystery Dungeon: Gates to Infinity - 298,000 units (2013)
Donkey Kong Country Returns 3D - 268,000 units (2013)
Super Mario 3D Land - 265,000 units (2013), 2.86 million units (lifetime)
Lego City Undercover: The Chase Begins - 264,000 units (2013)

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