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Pillars Of Eternity 2 Funded In Less Than A Day

There's still almost a full month left to go.


Pillars of Eternity II: Deadfire is officially moving forward, as its Fig crowdfunding campaign reaches its goal less than a day after it launched.

It took just under 23 hours for the $1.1 million goal to be reached. As of this writing, Deadfire has attracted just over 10,000 backers. Funding has been split almost evenly between traditional crowdfunding and investments from those seeking equity in the project (with Fig Game Shares).

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"We have the best fans in the world. It is amazing how quickly they helped us reach the funding goal for Pillars of Eternity II: Deadfire," said developer Obsidian Entertainment's CEO, Feargus Urquhart. "Our fans were responsible for the original game’s critical and financial success, and we are looking forward to doing it all over again with them for the sequel. For those who reserved Fig Games Shares, thank you for your trust in us and we look forward to having you share in the potential success of Pillars of Eternity II: Deadfire together."

As Urquhart noted, the original Pillars of Eternity was also the result of a crowdfunding campaign. That one was conducted through Kickstarter and raised over $4.1 million--a then-record for a video game. As with seemingly every crowdfunded game, it experienced multiple delays, though the end result was well-received.

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Deadfire builds on the mechanics of the previous game and promises to offer "truly living cities [and] more freedom to explore the open world." You can read more about it here. A release is currently slated for the first quarter of 2018.

The ongoing Fig campaign has just over 28 days left, so the final funding will likely end up much higher. The first stretch goal to be announced is at $1.4 million; with that much money, Obsidian will incorporate sub-classes.

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