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Postal 2 earns first 'Intense Violence' rating

Running With Scissors' controversial action sequel has been rated by the ESRB and is the first game ever to earn an "Intense Violence" label, amongst others.


Whiptail Interactive and developer Running With Scissors have today confirmed that Postal 2 will be the first game in history to be labeled as containing "Intense Violence." Rated M by the Entertainment Software Ratings Board, Postal 2 will also carry labels to indicate that it contains mature humor, adult language, use of drugs, and blood and gore.

In Europe, Postal 2 has been given an 18 certificate by the British Board of Film Classification and an 18+ Pan-European Game Indicator rating in all countries covered by the Interactive Software Federation of Europe.

Postal 2 is scheduled for release in North America and Europe on April 14. For more information on Postal 2, check out our previous coverage of the game.

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