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Preorders For The Long-Awaited Titan Quest II Are Now Available

It only took 17 years, but THQ Nordic is finally resurrecting the cult-favorite action RPG series.


THQ Nordic surprised everyone during its August 2023 digital showcase with the announcement that Titan Quest II is finally happening seventeen years after the original. While Titan Quest II doesn't have a specific release date yet, online store listings imply the long-awaited sequel will launch on PS5, Xbox Series X|S, and PC sometime in late 2023 or early 2024.

We're excited to learn more about the mythic action-RPG over the coming months, but for those who are already sold and want to secure their copy ahead of time, we've got a handy guide showing you exactly where to preorder Titan Quest II on your preferred platform.

Preorder Titan Quest II

Titan Quest II preorder guide
Titan Quest II preorder guide

So far, only a standard edition release has been confirmed for Titan Quest II, and no preorder order bonuses have been announced. We'll make sure to update if THQ Nordic announces other versions or pre-purchase extras.

That said, all you physical media enthusiasts out there will be happy to hear you can preorder Titan Quest II standard edition on PS5 or Xbox Series X|S at Amazon. Listings for Titan Quest II are live on Steam, Microsoft Store, and PlayStation Store

Titan Quest II is the follow-up to 2006's Titan Quest. Like the original, Titan Quest II features isometric action-RPG gameplay set in a fantasy version of ancient Greece. Players take on the role of a Greek warrior on a quest to stop Nemesis, the Goddess of Retribution, and the hordes of her minions terrorizing Greece. According to the game's store pages, Titan Quest II will feature an exploration-focused campaign with challenging combat, tons of side-quests, and deep character customization that can be played solo, or with up to six other players in online co-op.

Brendan Hesse on Google+

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