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Pro Rocket League Tournament Coming To Free-To-Air TV In Australia

Gfinity Esports Australia partners with Network Ten for a new broadcast package.


Big news today in the world of Australian eSports, as Gfinity Esports Australia has announced a partnership with Network Ten to show the 2018 Gfinity Elite Series Australia league on free-to-air TV in the country.

This is Network Ten's first foray into competitive gaming. The programming kicks off in June with Rocket League tournaments; the broadcasts will include five weeks of the regular season and and the two Finals weeks.

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You can watch pro gaming on Channel One on Sundays from 10 AM to 1 PM AEST. The competition itself is taking place at the ESports Arena at Moore Park.

"We are committed to growing esports in this country and promoting a new level of quality entertainment and professional gameplay, so we are very excited to be taking Gfinity Elite Series Australia to a new, free-to-air television audience," Gfinity Esports Australia CEO Dominic Remond said in a statement.

Alternatively, you can watch the Rocket League matches on Twitch right here.

Disclosure: GameSpot parent company CBS owns Network Ten.

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