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PS4 Exclusive Everybody's Gone to the Rapture Gets Release Date

Stunning new trailer also released for CryEngine-powered first-person adventure game.


Everybody's Gone to the Rapture will be released on August 11 for the PlayStation 4, developer The Chinese Room has confirmed.

The release date was revealed by the studio's creative director Dan Pinchbeck, who also said it has launched a dedicated website for the game featuring exclusive images, music, and writing not found anywhere else.

"We want to set the scene for this game, introduce you to characters and themes of the story," he said, discussing the website.

"There's going to be a lot more news about Everybody’s Gone to the Rapture coming out between now and launch, including a development diary which lifts the hood on how we got from the first ideas to this game we've poured heart and soul into over the last three years; another mini-documentary and lots more."

A new trailer provides a brief taster of the game, which takes place in the aftermath of an apocalypse. Players take on the role of six characters dealing with the fallout and must explore, among other locations, a peaceful-looking town in the English countryside and piece together what has happened.

Unlike most post-apocalyptic games, Everybody's Gone to the Rapture presents the end of the world as a serene, eerily idyllic place. The game is being developed by The Chinese Room, in partnership with SCE Santa Monica, using CryEngine and, as a result, looks visually stunning in trailers.

Read our hands-on impression for a deeper dive into Everybody's Gone to the Rapture, and for a closer look check out the new screenshots below.

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