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PS4 Multiplayer Dinosaur Game Primal Carnage: Extinction Launching in 2015

Single-player Primal Carnage: Genesis has been shelved in favor of a new game called Extinction; see a trailer now.

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PlayStation 4 dinosaur game Primal Carnage: Genesis has gone extinct, but another game in a similar vein is rising from its ashes.

It was announced today on the PlayStation Blog that Genesis, which was revealed in March 2013, has been shelved. The game was in development at Lukewarm Media, but due to the studio being "pulled in different directions," the single-player, episodic game was put on hold in summer 2013.

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Lukewarm later transitioned development of the Primal Carnage series to Circle 5 Studios, a team that grew out of the modding community for the first Primal Carnage. Circle 5 decided that it would not be able to pursue the "extremely ambitious" ambition for Genesis, so it decided to shift its efforts to a multiplayer-focused Primal Carnage game.

This game is called Primal Carnage: Extinction. It will launch in the first quarter of 2015 on PS4, and Circle 5 Studios is getting help from Australian developer Pub Games on the project.

Extinction is a class-based, online multiplayer shooter that Circle 5 describes as something "unlike any other on the PS4 platform." In the game, you can play as either a bloodthirsty dinosaur or a member of team of human mercenaries. Circle 5 says combat in Extinction will be "fast-paced" and "over-the-top."

Genesis may not be dead forever, however. Circle 5 says "if everything goes well" with Extinction, it would "definitely consider" returning to Genesis. But don't get your hopes up too soon, as Circle 5 cautions that "Genesis is effectively still on hold."

For more on Extinction, check out the image gallery below. The original Primal Carnage was released in 2012 for PC.

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