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PS4 Reaches 106 Million Units Sold And Reveals Other Milestone Numbers

PS4 is the second best-selling home console ever.


As part of Sony's CES 2020 briefing from Las Vegas, the company shared an update on PlayStation 4 sales and other key metrics related to the console. The system has done extremely well, and Sony shared some numbers to show just how big their system has been.

The PS4 has now sold more than 106 million units worldwide, PlayStation president Jim Ryan announced. He also revealed that more than 1.15 billion PS4 games have been sold at retail and digitally since the console launched in 2013.

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Ryan also gave an update on how PlayStation Plus is performing; he said the subscription service has 38.8 million paying members. Additionally, he said PlayStation Network has more than 103 million monthly active users.

Finally, the executive spoke very briefly about PlayStation VR. He said it has now reached 5 million units since it debuted in October 2016.

The PS4 is the second best-selling home console in history, only trailing the PlayStation 2 which sold an astonishing 150 million units during its lifetime.

2019 was the PS4's seventh year on the market. 2020 will be a big year for the PlayStation brand, as Sony will release its next-generation console, the PlayStation 5, this holiday. Also at CES today, Sony unveiled the PS5's logo and re-affirmed some of its key features.

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