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PSA: Last Chance to Play Overwatch Closed Beta Before It Goes on Hiatus

You only have a few more hours.


If you're in the Overwatch closed beta on PC, now is your last chance to play until 2016. As announced previously, Overwatch's servers will be switched off December 10 at 9 AM PST.

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The "extended break," as Blizzard describes it in a blog post, comes after more than a month of testing, with the closed beta having opened in late October. Since then, more than 900,000 games have been played, providing Blizzard with large amounts of "raw data" and feedback from fans.

"This phase of development has been key, but now it's time to analyze the data we have, dig into your feedback even further, and put that knowledge to use as best we can," Blizzard says.

During the downtime, Blizzard plans to make various improvements to the game and continue its work new some new features. Right now, the plan is for the closed beta to start up again in "mid-to-late January." Everyone currently in the beta will still have access then, and more people will be added for that test.

Overwatch is also coming to Xbox One and PS4, though a beta for consoles has not been announced.

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