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P.T. Still Finds New Ways To Scare Us, Years After Being Delisted

She's behind you.


P.T. achieved legendary status in 2015 after Konami cancelled Silent Hills and subsequently delisted the experimental demo from the PlayStation Store. It was already incredibly popular--as evidenced by over a million downloads--and is widely regarded as one of the best horror games ever made. Throw in the involvement of Hideo Kojima, Guillermo del Toro, and Norman Reedus; the fact it's still unavailable to download; and the incredible notion that people are still finding secrets within it, and P.T.'s legacy is easy to understand.

After all these years it's also still finding ways to terrify us. Modder Lance McDonald, who's responsible for a number of cool hacks in games like Bloodborne, Dark Souls, and Sekiro over on his YouTube channel, has now turned his considerable expertise to P.T., gleaning some horrifying new information about what was lurking just outside of view. By hacking and managing to unlock the camera, McDonald was able to move the player character forward while keeping the camera still, revealing that evil ghost Lisa is creeping behind you at nearly all times.

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"I've been slowly working on looking for useful bits of code in P.T. for months, usually just messing around for a few hours a week and having no luck at all," McDonald told VG247. "I finally found all the code that handles the 'zoom in' when the player clicks the R3 button. I removed all the code that adjusts the camera and replaced it with my own, and then patched the game so that it thinks you're always holding R3, so it constantly injects my custom camera axis."

His discovery is haunting, but there's even more P.T. content on the way. "I only tweeted what I did because I'm confident I have enough other awesome stuff to save for a full video," McDonald said. The prospect of seeing between more of P.T.'s seams is an exciting one and should lead to some intriguing footage. Kojima's Silent Hills teaser may be gone from the PlayStation Store forever, but it's still finding ways to infiltrate our nightmares all these years later.

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