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PUBG Berlin Event Postponed Due To Coronavirus Outbreak

PUBG Corporation will still hold four events in 2020.


Because of concerns around the coronavirus outbreak, PUBG Corporation has announced its upcoming esports event, the PlayerUnknown's Battlegrounds Global Series in Berlin (or PGS: Berlin), has been postponed.

PGS: Berlin was slated to be held in April 2020, with several qualifiers leading up to the main event: the PUBG Global Championship in November 2020. With the coronavirus' death and infected toll rapidly rising, PUBG Corporation has confirmed that all events, especially April 2020's PGS: Berlin, are subject to change.

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"PUBG Corporation is actively monitoring the spread of the latest coronavirus, which was recently declared a global health emergency by the World Health Organization," the studio said in a press release. "The plan to host four PUBG global esports events in 2020 remains unchanged, and we are actively exploring options for when a replacement event can be held."

PUBG Corporation has four PlayerUnknown's Battlegrounds esports events planned throughout this year: the now-delayed one in April, one in July, another in October, and the main event in November. The studio has no confirmation as to when PGS: Berlin will take place following the postponement, only saying updates will come "once we have a better understand of the best options for esports fans, players, and staff."

The coronavirus has become a worldwide concern since it broke out in Wuhan last year. Reports state the death toll has crossed 900, with at least 41,000 people affected in mainland China. Obsidian's The Outer Worlds Switch port has suffered a delay to the coronavirus, and the deadly ailment has created Nintendo Switch shipping issues in Japan. Even the Overwatch League has been affected by the coronavirus.

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