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PUBG Hotfix Update Out Now On PS4 And Xbox One, Full Patch Notes Detailed

The new PUBG update should fix an issue where Xbox players couldn't find PS4 players.


Alongside a brand-new game mode, developer PUBG Corporation has dropped a quick hotfix update for PlayerUnknown's Battlegrounds on PlayStation 4 and Xbox One. We've compiled the patch notes below.

The hotfix update is pretty small, addressing a few minor issues with the game to make the console experience a little smoother. Notably, Xbox players should now be able to search for PS4 players so that they can play together and people should be able to invite their friends to custom matches. The patch also makes some adjustments to Team Deathmatch, particularly re-introducing the maps Sanhok and Vikendi, fixing issues the user interface and player damage, and more.

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Elsewhere in the update, PUBG's shotguns shells should display correctly on the UI, players should climb stairs appropriately in TDM, weapons should no longer move after pulling the pin out of a throwable explosive, and more.

In other PUBG news, the popular online multiplayer shooter has a new game mode loosely based on Dungeons and Dragons. Fantasy Battle Royale is a limited-time event that PUBG Corporation unveiled as an April Fools' joke, where players embody classes found in D&D fantasy games, like a barbarian or wizard. The LTE runs from April 1-7 and sees a number of changes made to the game, including speeding up the "blue-zone" and more. This comes not long after the studio celebrated the battle royale's third anniversary and revealed plans for PUBG's future.

Full PUBG Hotfix PS4/XB1 Patch Notes

  • Re-introduced Sanhok and Vikendi maps to TDM.
  • Fixed an issue where Xbox players were unable to search for PS4 players.
  • Fixed an issue where a weapon in the 2nd slot moves when pulling the pin out of a throwable.
  • Fixed an issue where the motorcycle skin is not shown in the level 100 "Speed Demon" Survival Mastery pose.
  • Fixed an issue where S686 and S1897 shotgun shells display incorrectly while reloading if a skin has been applied to the weapon.
  • Fixed an issue preventing players from inviting their friends to custom matches after pressing the invite button.
  • [TDM] Fixed an issue that caused players to climb stairs unnaturally after respawning.
  • [TDM] Fixed an issue causing the Equipment/Backpack icons to occasionally not show on the UI.
  • [TDM] Fixed an issue where Blue Zone damage is not dealt to players that stand up after crouching or proning outside the playable area.

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