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PUBG Savage Map Returns Tonight On PC, Here's What's Different

PUBG Corp. has made a number of changes to Sanhok, formerly known as Codename: Savage.


PlayerUnknown's Battlegrounds' new Savage map--now known as Sanhok--returns for a third round of testing tonight on PC. Ahead of the test, developer PUBG Corp. has shared patch notes on Steam, detailing the long list of changes players will encounter on this iteration of the map.

Most notably, PUBG Corp. has expanded Sanhok with four new areas: Cave, Tambang, Lakawi, Na Kham. Existing areas have also been renamed, and an assortment of them, such as Bhan (formerly Banyan Grove) and Mongnai (Coconut Farm), have received "various improvements." You can see screenshots of the new and tweaked areas in the gallery below.

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Now Playing: PUBG's Savage Map Returns In Experimental Test Servers

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Additionally, PUBG Corp. has adjusted the spawn rate of certain weapons on Sanhok. The overall amount of item spawns on the map has been increased, as has total the amount of AR-type weapons. Specifically, PUBG Corp. has upped the spawn ratio of the M16A4 and AKM, while the M416 has been slightly decreased--although the developer says "the total amount spawned will remain similar to before." Perhaps most importantly, players can now throw apples before boarding the plane.

PUBG Corp. has also adjusted how the red zone works on Sanhok. This time, the red zone will "generally" no longer appear within the white circle. This won't always hold true, particularly when the blue circle is too close to the white one, but the developer says this change will make it riskier to play outside of the safe zone.

Lastly, PUBG Corp. has addressed a handful of issues that cropped up in previous incarnations of the map. In particular, the developer has removed some invisible objects in buildings and fixed an issue that caused the "aim punch" effect to be "too noticeable." Blood effects will also now appear as intended, and the minimap displays areas 200 meters away, as opposed to 100.

You can read more about the changes on Steam. The third Sanhok test will begin tonight, May 10, and runs until May 14; you can find the exact start and end times below. This time, the test will be open to everyone who owns a copy of PUBG. To get in, all you'll need to do is download the Experimental Test Server client, which will automatically appear in your Steam library prior to the test. The same client can also be used for future Sanhok betas.

PUBG Sanhok Start/End Times

May 10

  • 7 PM PT
  • 10 PM ET
  • 3 AM BST (May 11)

May 14

  • 4 AM PT
  • 7 AM ET
  • 12 PM BST

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