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Rainbow: Six Siege Release Date Confirmed

Soldiers gear up for battle in new trailer.


Ubisoft has announced Rainbow Six: Siege will be released on October 13.

The game, which will be available on PlayStation 4, Xbox One, and PC, is developed by Ubisoft Montreal and is a strategic team-based military shooter with highly destructible maps.

"Players will engage in sieges, a new style of assault where enemies have the means to transform their environments into modern strongholds while Rainbow Six teams lead the assault to breach the enemy position," Ubisoft explains.

Ubisoft has also released a short trailer, which you can watch below.

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Ubisoft has high hopes for for the upcoming shooter, recently saying it believes Rainbow Six: Siege has the potential to become the best-selling shooter in the company's history, surpassing Far Cry 4.

"Over its lifetime, we believe Rainbow Six: Siege has the potential to become the highest-selling shooter in Ubisoft's history," stated Ubisoft CEO Yves Guillemot during a recent call with investors.

CFO Alain Martine pointed out that Rainbow Six games traditionally sell about three million units, "versus Far Cry [4] that this year has exceeded seven million."

"We believe that Rainbow Six--because of replayability and multiplayer--might have a potential to [do] better than Far Cry over its lifetime," Martine added.

Ubisoft also recently delayed The Division until 2016, it did not announce a new release date for the game.

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