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Ravenlok Revealed At Xbox & Bethesda Showcase With Colorful Fairytale Trailer

The creators of Echo Generation seem to be going for a more action-focused adventure in their next game.


During the Xbox and Bethesda Showcase, a new trailer for Ravenlok was revealed. The game looks incredibly colorful and vibrant, featuring a similar art style and tone to developer Cococucumber's last game, Echo Generation.

Ravenlok looks like it's pulling imagery from inspirations like Alice in Wonderland, with the protagonist, a young girl, being pulled through a looking glass into a fantasy world, one where she fights against enemy knights made of cards and an evil queen creature that is representative of the Queen of Hearts. Other fairytale inspirations can be seen as well.

In comparison to Echo Generation, Ravenlok looks more action-y, focusing on real-time combat as opposed to turn-based. The 3D, almost pixelated art style remains, however. It adds a charmingly blocky quality to the variety of creatures and allies that you'll meet, while also adding an uncanny sense of horror to the enemies.

Ravenlok is coming to Xbox and PC in 2023.

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