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Resident Evil 4 - Hexagon Piece Altar Puzzle Guide

Find all the Hexagon Pieces to complete the diagram in Resident Evil 4.


The Hexagon Piece Altar Puzzle is an optional task in Resident Evil 4. It requires you to collect three different parts, which can then be placed to complete the diagram. Here's our Resident Evil 4 Hexagon Piece Altar Puzzle to help you finish this objective for a nifty reward.

Resident Evil 4 Hexagon Piece Altar Puzzle guide

The Resident Evil 4 Hexagon Piece Altar Puzzle can be completed across a couple of chapters due to how progression is handled and the locations of each object.

Hexagon Piece A - This is the easiest to find. When you meet the Merchant past the Quarry area, you'll see this box just across from him.

Hexagon Piece B - This is in the Fish Farm section. Make your way through this part, killing enemies as you go along. Eventually, you'll see a small nook off to the side. Open the chest to grab this item.

Hexagon Piece C - The last object is found as you're doing the Mural Cave Puzzle. When you're done with the puzzle in the northeast section, you can pick this up, along with the quest item.

From left to right: Hexagon Piece A; Hexagon Piece B; Hexagon Piece C.

Once you have all three parts, it's time to solve the Resident Evil 4 Hexagon Piece Altar Puzzle. Place all of them in any order and you should see a jumbled diagram.

The goal here is to rotate each part to fully form a drawing of Del Lago. In our case, we simply rotated the upper, then left segments, which completed the whole thing. This will net you the Depraved Idol, which can be sold for 15,000 pesetas. Lastly, make sure you do this before returning to the Church, as the bridge will collapse, and you won't be able to backtrack for some time.

Rotate the segments to form the diagram.
Rotate the segments to form the diagram.

Resident Evil 4 has more mechanics and secrets for you to discover. You can learn more in our guides hub.

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