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Resident Evil 6 drops to $10 on Amazon

Online retailer now selling Capcom's zombie action game at major markdown; former marketing boss says next game in series will be aimed at core fans.


Capcom's zombie action shooter Resident Evil 6 is available through Amazon today for $10. Meanwhile, GameStop is offering the title for $20.

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Resident Evil 6 launched in October 2012 and was met with mixed review scores. Capcom shipped 5 million copies of the game, but said various "challenges" and "inadequate organizational collaboration" led to the title performing under expectation.

Resident Evil 6 will be featured in the newly announced Capcom Essentials pack, due for release in October.

Separately, former Capcom marketing boss Michael Pattison told MCV that the next entry in the Resident Evil series is likely to return to the franchise's roots.

"We have obviously seen the consumer response and the PR response," Pattison said of Resident Evil 6. "You'll find where we go next will likely be more targeted at our core fanbase."

For more on Resident Evil 6, check out GameSpot's review.

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