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Respawn Releases Apex Legends Version 2.12 Patch Notes

The patch includes bug fixes and other tweaks for Catalyst and the Broken Moon map.


Apex Legends' new Wintertide Collection Event doesn't go live until next week, but the game's developers have already begun shaking things up via a new patch that contains bug fixes for Season 15's debut legend, Catalyst, and the new Broken Moon map.

Respawn tweeted the announcement this afternoon, shortly after the patch became available to players. Several changes have been made to the way other legends interact with Catalyst's ferrofluid. For instance, Wraith can now phase through Catalyst's ferrofluid abilities without taking damage--a change that Wraith mains are undoubtedly happy to see.

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Now Playing: Apex Legends Wintertide Collection Event

But unfortunately for Crypto fans, the surveillance expert can no longer hack doors that have been sealed by Catalyst's ferrofluid. Additionally, the devs have heavily altered the Broken Moon map, removing a number of unintended hiding spots and changing which areas of the map are accessible.

Most notably, weapons will no longer float in the air when using Season 15 emotes. Fans of the seemingly "haunted" emotes are sure to be disappointed, though it's hard to deny that this particular quality-of-life improvement was a much-needed one. More changes may be on the horizon when the Wintertide Collection Event launches next Tuesday, December 6.

The patch notes are listed in full below:

November 30 Patch

  • Resolved lifetime K/DR stat appearing incorrectly for some players.
  • Catalyst's KO shield will now work when downed while casting her Ultimate.
  • While in Phase, Wraith will now see doors sealed by Catalyst's passive.
  • While in Phase, Wraith will not be affected by Catalyst's ferrofluid.
  • Crypto's drone will no longer be able to open doors sealed by Catalyst's passive.
  • Resolved certain challenges which gave the incorrect reward amount.
  • Removed invisible collision that blocked ordnance and abilities in Promenade.
  • Numerous map fixes throughout Broken Moon to remove hiding spots and improve collision.
  • Guns no longer float during Season 15 emotes.
  • Legends will now appear properly sized on the Legend Select menus when returning to lobby in certain scenarios.

Apex Legends is free to play on console and PC. A mobile version of the game, Apex Legends Mobile, is available for download on Android and iOS devices.

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