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Review Roundup For Super Mario Bros. Wonder

In case you're wondering what reviewers thought of Mario's next adventure.


Super Mario Bros. Wonder returns Mario and his friends to their 2D roots this week, and with the launch approaching quickly, reviews are starting to emerge like a mushroom out of a question block.

This is the first traditional 2D Mario game released by Nintendo since New Super Mario Bros. U, which launched alongside the Wii U console in 2012. It's also the first game starring Nintendo's most famous mascot since 2017's Super Mario Odyssey, and it bookends a banner year for the plucky plumber with The Super Mario Bros. Movie releasing back in April.

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GameSpot's 9/10 Super Mario Bros. Wonder review calls it the "rightful successor to Super Mario World," and that the game "delivers such a knockout performance that it makes the argument, implicit or otherwise, that 2D Mario games can be just as vital to the medium as their 3D siblings."

You can see a selection of review scores and excerpts from around the internet below. For more Super Mario Bros Wonder reactions, you can check out GameSpot sister site Metacritic.

Shacknews -- 10/10

"Each level is perfectly crafted by the Nintendo wizards, but it really does feel like they threw out the rulebook when they made Super Mario Bros. Wonder. The result is one of the best 2D Mario games ever made that is teeming with genuinely unique gameplay experiences with a spectrum of challenges ranging from a single star to much more difficult 5-Star levels." -- Asif Khan [Full review]

IGN -- 9/10

"Super Mario Bros. Wonder establishes a new standard for what 2D Mario platformers should look like. It is colorful, it is alive, and it is joyful. Wonder feels like a 21st-century successor to Super Mario World, and I’m not sure I can give it a higher compliment than that." -- Ryan McCaffrey [Full review]

VGC -- 5/5

"With its focus on new ideas over nostalgia, tight design and striking presentation, Super Mario Bros. Wonder is undoubtedly the plumber’s most memorable 2D outing since the 1990s." -- Andy Robinson [Full review]

Eurogamer -- 5/5

"Forget therapy dogs and comfort food, if things are getting you down and you want to feel good about life, the universe, and everything then we strongly recommend spending some time with Super Mario Bros. Wonder." -- David Jenkins [Full review]

TechRadar -- 10/10

"Playing Super Mario Bros. Wonder reminded me what video games are all about: having fun. Nintendo’s latest side-scrolling platformer has refined and built upon the 2D Mario installments that came before it, adding an onslaught of original, creative ideas that never feel old, loads of secrets to uncover, visuals that pop, and tiny details that are a genuine joy to spot." -- Catherine Lewis [Full review]

Nintendo Life -- 9/10

"Super Mario Bros. Wonder is, quite simply, the best 2D Mario game since Super Mario World. This is the slickest, sharpest, and smartest that two-dimensional Mario has felt since 1991 and in its Wonder Flowers, badges, and online aspects, it serves up an endlessly inventive and impressive platforming adventure that we've been utterly hooked on." -- PJ O'Reilly [Full review]

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