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Robert De Niro And Shia LaBeouf Will Play Father And Son In This Upcoming Crime Drama Based On True Events

It's their first collaboration.


Robert De Niro and Shia LeBeouf will team up as an ex-criminal father and son in 'After Exile', an upcoming crime drama from Joshua Michael Stern, the director of Jobs and Swing Vote.

Stern will direct a script written by Anthony Thorne and Michael Tovo, Deadline has announced. LaBeouf will play Mike Delaney, who must reconnect with his alcoholic father Ted (De Niro) after being released on prison, having served eight years for involuntary murder.

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The father and son will unite to save Mike's younger brother (still uncast), who looks likely to go down the same path of drugs and crime that they both have in the past. The script is based on true events from screenwriter Tovo's life, and the film will be produced by Anthony Thorne and Steve Snyder.

De Niro has two major roles in upcoming 2019 films: a leading part Martin Scorsese's The Irishman and a supporting role in supervillain origin story Joker. LeBeouf, meanwhile, has earned strong reviews for his performance as James, a character based on his own father, in Honey Boy (which he also wrote the screenplay for). He also starred in The Peanut Butter Falcon this year.

This will be the first time the two actors have worked together on the same film.

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