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Rock Band tunes in to Nirvana DLC

Full, playable album downloads for Rock Band were one of the key talking points for MTV Games and Harmonix during the 2007 E3 Media & Business Summit. Although the game makers were slow to deliver on that promise for the game's initial iteration, Rock Band 2 has already seen a healthy amount of...


Full, playable album downloads for Rock Band were one of the key talking points for MTV Games and Harmonix during the 2007 E3 Media & Business Summit. Although the game makers were slow to deliver on that promise for the game's initial iteration, Rock Band 2 has already seen a healthy amount of albums from the likes of Motley Crue, the Red Hot Chili Peppers, and Megadeth.

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Along with The Who, one of the first names to be bandied about for getting the full-album treatment was Nirvana and their groundbreaking 1991 album Nevermind. The bad news is that the album still remains not much more than a rumor. The good news is that Harmonix revealed today that next week's Rock Band DLC will be a seven-track pack from the grunge rockers, all of which will be master recordings.

Songs included in the Nirvana pack are listed below:
"Lounge Act"
"On a Plain"
"Something in the Way"
"Stay Away"
"Territorial Pissings"

Xbox 360 gamers will be able to pick up the pack on October 21, with the PlayStation 3 release following on October 23. Each tune can be purchased individually for $1.99 (160 Microsoft points) or $10.99 (880 Microsoft points) for the totality. Harmonix notes that these seven songs bring the total number of Nirvana tracks in Rock Band up to nine, with "In Bloom" appearing on the first game and "Drain You" surfacing on the recently released follow-up.

Released for the Xbox 360 in September, Rock Band 2 will arrive for the PS3 on October 20. Earlier this week, MTV Games said that all previously released DLC will be incrementally rolled out to Wii Rock Band 2 owners when that game is released in December. For more on Rock Band 2, check out GameSpot's review of the Xbox 360 edition.

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