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Rockstar ships Midnight Club II for the PS2

Rockstar Games announces that the PS2 version of its street racing sequel is now available in stores across North America.


Rockstar Games has today announced the release of Midnight Club II for the PlayStation 2. The game, which will also be released for PC and Xbox in the next couple of months, will allow players to race both cars and motorcycles on the stylized streets of Los Angeles, Paris, and Tokyo. The game also features online support for up to eight players.

"For over two years, we have worked nonstop to ensure that Midnight Club II delivers an experience unmatched in terms of open-ended, nonlinear racing action and quite simply the fastest racing game ever created," said Dan Houser, vice president of creative at Rockstar. "With sprawling urban environments, over 30 vehicles, and engaging, immersive online modes, Midnight Club II is set to redefine the racing genre."

For more information on Midnight Club II, check out our previous coverage of the game. Expect a full review soon.

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