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Saints Row update addresses lag

Update to THQ's gangbanging action game now up on Xbox Live; biggest fix takes on lag in online multiplayer dustups.


THQ's Saints Row has been on the market since late August, but the game's developer says it has finally found a fix for one of the biggest complaints with the game. On the official Saints Row message boards, representative from developer Volition have announced that the latest update to the game is now available on Xbox Live.

The game's multiplayer mode, which had previously been clowned by lag (Internet latency) issues, is getting the biggest overhaul. Volition says it has improved "the way the game handles packet loss and bandwidth management between players"--in other words, less problems with momentary freezing or "warping" due to iffy Internet connections.

Volition says that aside from improving multiplayer gameplay, the patch addresses various issues in a wide variety of aspects including instances of the game crashing, various problems encountered in multiplayer modes, and general performance improvement.

For a full list of fixes, head over to patch notes on the official Saints Row forums.

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