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Save Up To 50% On Catan Board Games During Black Friday At Amazon

Save 50% on one of the most beloved board games of all time, Catan, for Black Friday.


Board games have seemingly increased in popularity over the last couple of years, and if you're looking to give that form of tabletop entertainment a spin, this Black Friday deal on Catan offers a great game at an even better price. Normally $55, you can save 50% off on the classic board game as it's now available for $27.50.


If you're new to it, Catan is a game about guiding your settlers to victory by using clever trading tactics and investing in development skills that'll give you a leg up on the competition. The catch here is that your opponents will be looking to hamper your progress, possibly by establishing a monopoly or cutting off your resources. You'll need to use your resources--grain, wool, ore, brick, and lumber--to buy development cards and build roads, settlements, and cities if you want to stay ahead of the competition.

While there is some complexity to Catan, it's never overwhelming and it has an inviting learning curve, making for a fun evening of strategy. A few other options are also available for Catan fans to look at, like Catan Deluxe. Normally $150, this version of the game is down to $105 and comes with tiles based on the hand-sculpted originals by Klaus Teuber, the late creator of the game who passed away earlier this year.

For a more streamlined approach, you can pick up Catan Junior and enjoy a game of reduced complexity. This one has been discounted from $35 to $22.

Darryn Bonthuys on Google+

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