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Scarlet Nexus Is Not Coming To Game Pass, Bandai Namco Confirms

Rumors had suggested it would launch on the subscription service day one, but that won't be the case.


Bandai Namco has confirmed that its upcoming action role-playing game Scarlet Nexus will not be released on Xbox Game Pass as some rumors had suggested.

A spokesperson for the publisher plainly confirmed this to VGC. "We have no plans to bring Scarlet Nexus to Xbox Game Pass at this time and are excited for its launch on Xbox Series X|S, Xbox One, PlayStation 5, PlayStation 4, and PC on June 25," the spokesperson said.

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Now Playing: SCARLET NEXUS – Xbox Demo Trailer

The rumor suggested that Scarlet Nexus would be just the latest title coming to Xbox Game Pass day one, but that won't be the case. All of Microsoft's first-party games release on Xbox Game Pass day one--including Halo Infinite later this year--while the publisher has cut deals with third-party publishers for this as well, like with Square Enix for Outriders.

Scarlet Nexus is a third-person action game similar to other Bandai Namco action-RPGs like Code Vein. In a preview after playing about three hours, GameSpot editor Michael Higham walked away impressed but looking for more before being convinced of the game's potential.

"When reflecting on my short time with Scarlet Nexus, I see potential for a high-quality action game with slick anime-stylings, even if I feel like I've seen something like this before," Higham said. "However, it's the smaller gripes that accumulate and leave me reluctant to wholly embrace the game right now."

Scarlet Nexus launches on June 25 for PC, PlayStation 4, PlayStation 5, Xbox One, and Xbox Series X|S. Check out our Scarlet Nexus preorder guide to learn about the available bonuses. Elsewhere, Funimation is developing a spin-off anime series that debuts on June 25 as well.

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