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Sea Of Thieves Forts Of The Forgotten Guide: All Deeds, Rewards, And More

Sea of Thieves' second limited-time Adventure is now available, and in it, you'll see the next chapter in Flameheart's foreboding resurgence.


A new Adventure awaits in Rare's pirate sandbox. Sea of Thieves Forts of the Forgotten is the second limited-time Adventure for players to take on. Between March 24 and April 7, you can jump into the game and pick up where you left off with Shrouded Islands, the game's debut chapter in the new story mode. You'll get more than lore for your efforts, as this latest chapter has you take over several lucrative Sea Forts, plus you'll earn some exclusive cosmetics that won't be available when the Adventure ends. Here's how to beat Forts of the Forgotten in Sea of Thieves.

Forts of the Forgotten guide

This second Sea of Thieves Adventure should take you about two hours, though your nautical mileage may vary due to the campaign's focus on Sea Forts--with only six on the map and many players chasing the completion right now, you may find yourself waiting for some Sea Forts to refresh with phantoms before you can ghost-bust each fortress.

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Speak to Larinna

As before, Larinna should be your first stop. She hangs around just outside any tavern at which you begin, so talk to her and choose to begin the adventure. She'll point you toward Golden Sands Outpost, which is where Belle can be found these days.

Speak to Belle at Golden Sands Outpost

Trek across the sea to Golden Sands, minding the thick green fog still enveloping the area on your approach. Don't hit the rocks! Dock safely and look for Belle at a campfire just outside the once-bustling tavern. She'll tell you a proper ghost story--great setting for such a thing--and leave you with instructions on what to do next.

Follow Belle's instructions in your quest menu

The instructions include defeating a single Jailor, completing one Sea Fort in each of the game's original three regions, and bringing back at least one Enchantment Vessel to Belle. If you haven't been playing the Sea Forts, we have a Sea Fort guide too, but here's the gist: Sea Forts are like Skeleton Forts, only filled with phantoms and require only about a third of your time.

Pay close attention to Belle's specific instructions.
Pay close attention to Belle's specific instructions.

Each Sea Fort ends with a Fortress Captain boss who must be defeated and drops a Treasury Key when felled. While the Treasury reveals over 10,000 gold in loot, you need not collect that loot or even open the Treasury to complete this mode--though it's certainly nice to take if you're not short on time.

The most important thing to note for this step is that you must complete at least one Sea Fort in all three regions in which they appear: The Wilds, The Ancient Isles, and The Shores of Plenty. Each region houses two Sea Forts, so these are your options:

  • The Wilds: Mercy's End Fortress or Traitor's Fate Fortress
  • The Ancient Isles: Ancient Gold Fortress or Old Brinestone Fortress
  • The Shores of Plenty: Imperial Crown Fortress or Royal Crest Fortress

Head to any fortress, defeat the Jailor, then keep fighting until you beat the Fortress Captain. Take the loot or leave it, but you'll need at least one Enchantment Vessel from the prison, which you can open using the Prison Cell Key dropped by the defeated Jailor. While you're there, you should also speak to the NPCs whom you'll free from the jail. Wonda is always among them, and she's kept company by two other randomly assigned merchants from Golden Sands Outpost--as it turns out, they'd all been kidnapped and imprisoned.

The Jailor has the sought-after Prison Cell Key you've been waiting weeks to find.
The Jailor has the sought-after Prison Cell Key you've been waiting weeks to find.

To complete a particular Deed for this Adventure, you'll need to speak to all kidnapped NPCs, meaning you'll need to finish four Sea Forts at a minimum--there are four pairs in total--though you may need to complete more if you end up getting repeat NPCs on subsequent rescues.

Once you've defeated a Jailor, opened the prison, and taken the Enchantment Vessel on the ground in the jail, you'll be free to leave. You'll then need to complete two more Sea Forts in the regions in which you haven't done so yet. At these subsequent Sea Forts, all you need to do is defeat the waves of enemies, ending with the Fortress Captain. However, remember to chat with all NPCs if you want to complete all Deeds for this story mode, and selling additional Enchantment Vessels to Belle will net you some extra gold, too.

Return to Belle

Once you've checked off three Sea Forts from Belle's list, return to her with an Enchantment Vessel. Sell it to her, then speak to her to finish the Adventure. You'll be made privy to her latest theories regarding Flameheart's dramatic return, plus you'll earn the Jailor's Cutlass sword cosmetic, a unique reward for completing the Adventure the first time. Adventure complete! Well done, pirate.

Gallery: Forts of the Forgotten

Forts of the Forgotten - all Deeds

There are 12 Deeds (or challenges) related to the limited-time mode. Completing all of them will earn you the Freer of Forgotten Forts title. Here's the full list:

  • Find Belle at Golden Sands Outpost
  • Defeat Phantom Jailors (3)
  • Deliver an Enchantment Vessel to Belle for study
  • Speak to Wonda once she's freed
  • Speak to Tina once she's freed
  • Speak to Tom once he's freed
  • Speak to Cecil once he's freed
  • Speak to Sharon once she's freed
  • Speak to Senior Trader Mavis once she's freed
  • Speak to Hugh The Hoarder once he's freed
  • Speak to Madame Olga once she's freed
  • Speak to Emily once they're freed

Once you've checked all of those boxes, you'll have earned all possible rewards for Sea of Thieves Adventure 2: Forts of the Forgotten, preparing yourself for April's next chapter, The Shrouded Deep.

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