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Sea Of Thieves Season 7 Brings Deeper Ship Customization In July

So, you want to be a pirate captain...


Sea of Thieves Season Seven is coming on July 21, and when it arrives, players will have a much deeper suite of ship customization options at their disposal. Announced during the Xbox & Bethesda Games Showcase, Season Seven of Rare's pirate adventure game will allow players to save ship loadouts, customize the captain's cabin, and, at long last, name their ship--provided they don't choose something profane.

Listen to the game's swashbucklers dish out more details in this new shanty-heavy trailer.

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Now Playing: Sea Of Thieves Season Seven Trailer | Xbox & Bethesda Games Showcase 2022

Also coming to the game are new Captain's Voyages, though these were merely mentioned by name, so it's not yet clear what they may entail. By the looks of it, taking on these new voyages will reward you with some of those aforementioned cabin cosmetics. New "cash-in points" are being introduced, which are meant to further streamline the process of turning in loot. Collectively, Season 7 looks like another mix of quality-of-life features alongside brand-new experiences. Though we didn't see it explicitly, it seems safe to expect some of the new cosmetics teased in the trailer will be part of the new Plunder Pass when the season launches for free on July 21.

Sea of Thieves is available on Xbox Series X|S, Xbox One, PC, and cloud. It's also in Xbox Game Pass.

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