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Sega dusting off 'vintage brand' for PSP

Publisher enlists Infected developer Planet Moon to breathe new life into an unnamed old franchise.


Sega has one of the most recognizable names in the industry and a library of famous franchises that include Sonic the Hedgehog, Streets of Rage, After Burner, Altered Beast, Phantasy Star, Shinobi, Golden Axe, and dozens more. A number of those games will be included in the recently announced Sega Genesis Collection later this year, but the venerable publisher isn't stopping at merely reproducing some of its classics; it's looking to revitalize them as well.

Sega today announced that it has enlisted San Francisco-based developer Planet Moon to bring one of its "vintage brands" back to life in a new game for the PlayStation Portable. It will be the developer's first time working with an established intellectual property. It has previously produced Infected for the PSP, Giants: Citizen Kabuto for the PC, and Armed & Dangerous for the Xbox and PC.

Planet Moon isn't the only developer bringing an old Sega franchise to the PSP. Totally Games, developer of the X-Wing and Tie Fighter series of PC space combat flight sims, is currently working on an action game based on one of the publisher's IPs. While the developer has a lengthy track record with flight sims, it is promising "something new" for its fans. Also, at this year's Electronic Entertainment Expo, Sega announced that it was enlisting its recently acquired studio Secret Level to handle the upcoming Golden Axe revamp on the Xbox 360 and PlayStation 3.

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